Naturopathic Pediatric Medicine
In my opinion, raising children is the most important job in the world!
It can be rewarding, watching your children grow and develop, seeing them reach their first milestones like walking, talking or driving. It can also be challenging if you are dealing regular temper tantrums or a rebellious teenager. But what is most challenging is if your child is sick or has health concerns.
The internet is an important resource for parents, but it can be difficult to navigate through all the contradicting opinions, which makes it difficult to know what is best for your child. Another issue with the internet, it can generate many unrealistic expectations for parents that can result in undue stress, worry and confusion. Being the parent of a younger children myself, I know how difficult it can be to navigate the online resources and determine what is based on research and effective for my family. I also understand that it can be challenging to balance raising a family, working full time, maintaining your home and enjoying life.
My job as a naturopathic doctor is to educate parents on how to raise healthy, well-balanced children and teenagers. If health concerns arise, I can create treatment plans to assist the child’s innate healing ability by using a variety of modalities including homeopathic medicines, botanical medicines, clinical nutrition, assessing for food sensitivities, traditional Chinese medicines and acupuncture (or electro-acupuncture), hydrotherapy and lifestyle recommendations. My job is to also provide a safe place for parent to ask any questions regardless of how big or small.
In my opinion, the most important thing to raising children, is to provide a loving environment that nourishes creativity, the mind and spirit, through non-judgement, nutrition, exercise and letting kids be kids.
Dr. Michelle

Infants (0-24 months)

The first two years of life are full of many important changes, stages and milestones and how parents navigate this time in your child's life, can impact the rest of a child's life. It is important to support your child as they are completing each stage from physical and mental growth, reaching milestones and food introductions. It is during the first two years of life that children develop healthy associations with foods, which can benefit them for the rest of their life.
Conditions specific to Infants:
Digestive concerns: diarrhea, constipation, colic & gas
Skin Conditions: eczema, psoriasis, hives & diaper rashes
Sleep problems
Breast feeding & Food Introductions
Development & Behavioural Issues
Ear infections, Allergies & Asthma
Toddlers & Children (2-10 years old)

From toddlerhood to pre-adolesence many physical, mental and emotional changes and milestones occur. Occassionally, health concerns arise and need support.
Conditions specific to Children:
Allergies & Asthma
Chronic or recurring ear infections
Digestive concerns: diarrhea, constipation & gas
Skin Conditions: eczema, psoriasis, hives & rashes
Sleep problems
Frequent colds & flus
Development delays
Behavioural issues: hyperactivity, ADD, ADHD & other
Anxiety & mood changes
Teenagers (11-18 years old)

Teenager undergo the major transformations as they transition from childhood into adulthood. There is constant challenges as the deal with peer pressure, performing in school, figuring out who they are, and determining what they want to do for the rest of their lives. These major changes can be overwhelming restulting in stress and anxiety, without the right support.
Conditions specific to teenagers:
Female Hormonal Issues: PMS, irregular or painful periods
Digestive concerns: diarrhea, constipation & gas
Anxiety, Depression & mood swings
Sleep problems: insomnia or hypersomnia (sleeping too much)
Allergies & Asthma
Frequent colds & flus, recurring infections
Behavioural issues: hyperactivity, ADD & ADHD & other
Obesity or eating disorders
Juvenile Arthritis
and more..
Dr. Michelle uses naturopathic medicine to support healthy development in all ages and stages. By providing resources for health promotion and answering questions for parents, she is able to support families through these stages. In the event of health or emotional obstacles in children or teens, Dr. Michelle can uncover the root cause of the issue and provide the necessary healing tools using the wide variety of naturopathic modalities.
Could Dr. Michelle's approach help YOUR child?
Then take the first step to improving your child's health concerns and book your FREE 15 minute consultation now!